transition matrix and segmentation of datacadabra

The transition matrix: a marketing strategic tool

It is essential to identify the segments to which your customers belong, in the long term it is even more relevant to analyze the transition matrix in order to improve your marketing strategy. The challenges of segmentation: setting the foundations  If we compare data exploitation to building a house, then customer segmentation will allow us […]

Segment Target

Segmentation and targeting for a better animation

When we talk about marketing targeting, the first driver we think of is segmentation. Given the current trends, these two subjects will most certainly be at the forefront of the news in 2022. How can segmentation help you in your targeting? If we compare data exploitation to building a house, then customer segmentation will allow […]

Describe Segment
datacadabra caractériser ses segments

Characterize your segments and adapt your strategy

When developing your marketing strategy, it is essential to define your different segments in order to build a solid analytical base.  When you want to optimise your marketing and CRM strategy, you often start your customer knowledge work by implementing your analytical base. The first step is to characterize your segments by setting up a customer […]

datacadabra les différents types de segmentation

The different types of customer segmentation

RFM, relational, behavioral, there are many types of segmentation, many complementary methods at the service of marketing performance. Types of segmentation for differentiated marketing  When you want to implement differentiated marketing, the first question is how to determine which customer groups you will be able to animate, as there are many types of segmentation. For […]

Describe Segment
datacadabra mieux connaitre ses cibles avec les persona

Know your targets thanks to the persona

Customization has become a must in marketing strategy. One of the first steps is to identify your personas in order to adapt your communication.  Customization at the core of the marketing strategy When implementing customization actions in your marketing strategy, you must first improve your understanding of your different targets. In this case, the creation […]

datacadabra segmenter ses clients pour quoi faire

Why segment your customers?

Dividing your customer file into homogeneous groups has many advantages in marketing efforts, segmenting your customers is therefore a key performance factor.  Why segment your customers? What is segmentation?  Very often, the knowledge you have of your database corresponds to the image you have of your average customer. The objective of segmenting your customers is […]

Predict Segment
datacadabra coronavirus et digitalisation de l'économie

Coronavirus and digitalization

Since customers have change their purchasing behavior, the coronavirus has forced us to review their consumption habits and has led to the digitalization of brands in order to become even closer to their customers. The development of new digital channels The coronavirus crisis has considerably reduced physical interactions between individuals. Physical stores have been directly […]