Data Scientists
As a Data Scientist, you often have more analysis to do than time to do it. What if datacadabra allowed you to do more analyses faster?

Gain in efficiency!
datacadabra’s mission is to enable Data Scientists to perform recurring analyses in the field of marketing and CRM more quickly (segmentations, simple scorings, profiling…) in order to save them time to work more effectively on higher value-added subjects. Our various packaged modules, and in particular the Segment, Describe and Predict modules, will enable them to produce their analyses more quickly.
At the same time, our Explore module will allow them to work on their ad hoc analyses in a technical environment optimized for customer knowledge. From a technical point of view, the Explore module is based on proven languages that are well known to data scientists, such as R or Python.

Time saving
Our packaged analyses allow you to perform the most common analyses of a data scientist's job more quickly.

High-performance models
Our optimized environment and our integrated datamart allow you to obtain qualitative models.

A variety of analyses
Between packaged analyses and exploratory analyses, you cover all the needs of your internal customers.