Model customer behavior

In an increasingly fast-changing world, we can no longer simply observe customer behavior, we must be able to anticipate it!

customer behavior
predictive modeling


Predictive modelling of customer behavior.

This is a technique that will use historical data on all available customer data to predict future trends and behavior. This can be done at an individual level, by customer segment or across your entire customer base. This information will then be used in the decision-making process to help you identify:

– which customers are most likely to buy the product you want to promote
– individuals who are likely to become inactive tomorrow
– contacts who will not open your next emails
– customers who are more likely to accept a discount than a gift

With the Predict module, you can simply model your customers behavior and use the scores in your targeting.

Targeting improvements
Targeting improvements

Make the right offer to the right customers.

Better campaign management
Better campaign management

Send your messages on the right channel.

Customer satisfaction improvements
Customer satisfaction improvements

Provide your customers with offers that match their needs and expectations.

Get started today with datacadabra

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