Predict Target
datacadabra gérer sa pression commerciale pour plus de performance marketing

Commercial pressure and marketing performance

Openers or non-openers? That is the question. One thing is certain: being able to better manage your commercial pressure is an undeniable asset for optimizing your results.   From the consumer’s point of view, commercial pressure corresponds to the pressure felt by the customer due to the multiple solicitations he faces (emails, SMS, advertising banners, […]

datacadabra comment lutter contre l'attrition client

How to fight against customer attrition?

The fight against customer attrition is a real problem for companies faced with customers who are still in their database but inactive.  Inactive customers: customer attrition When you work on your animation strategy, you often find that you have to deal with a major problem: the inactivity of some of your customers. Indeed, as soon […]

Describe Predict
datacadabra comment favoriser l'omnicanalité

How to promote omnichannel?

The objective of the ominichannel analysis is to be able to follow the consumer throughout customer experience via different consumption channels. Omnichannel: a change in behavior linked to COVID The year 2020 was affected by the COVID epidemic that we all experienced. In this context, many customers have changed their consumption behaviors: change of brands, […]

datacadabra améliorer sa rentabilité grâce à l'intelligence artificielle

Artificial Intelligence for more profitability

From its creation to today, Artificial Intelligence has become a powerful tool for marketing and CRM through the use of predictive models. The origins of Artificial Intelligence  When we think about Artificial Intelligence (AI), we can naturally think about great Science Fiction movies (the famous Terminator), innovations related to our daily life like the developments […]

Predict Segment
datacadabra coronavirus et digitalisation de l'économie

Coronavirus and digitalization

Since customers have change their purchasing behavior, the coronavirus has forced us to review their consumption habits and has led to the digitalization of brands in order to become even closer to their customers. The development of new digital channels The coronavirus crisis has considerably reduced physical interactions between individuals. Physical stores have been directly […]