Thanks to our integrated datamart, simplify the use of your data!
To do this, you simply choose from various drop-down menus the populations to be analyzed, the filters to be applied, and the analysis period.
From there, the Prepare module does everything for you: it creates the relevant samples for the analyses, constitutes the useful aggregates and formats the analysis files. All you have to do is run the analysis and collect the results.
Whatever the kind of analysis you wish to perform, the Prepare module has a specific data creation menu. Depending on the type of analysis, the parameters presented are mainly easy-to-use selectors (radio buttons, drop-down menus, etc.) which are automatically adapted to generate directly the useful data.
Time saving
It is sometimes complex and time-consuming to gather all the information needed for an analysis. This is particularly the case for scores, for example. In this case, the Prepare module will automatically create the working sample, the target variable and the relevant aggregates from the data in the datamart. This type of approach is also valid for other types of analysis. And this without you having to do anything. A guaranteed time saver!
Start now with datacadabra
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